彭先诚,(1941.11—)四川成都人,擅长中国画。1962年毕业于成都第 二师范学校。任成都龙江路小学美术教师,1969年任成都东城区文化馆美工,1973年任成都 东城少年宫儿童美术组辅导员,1984年调四川省诗书画院从事美术创作,二级美术师。国画 《凉山小市》入选六届全国美展,漆画《牧马人之子》入选中国漆画展;《塞上牧歌》入选 庆祝建军60周年全军美展;《丽人行》参加88国际水墨画展。《长恨歌》、《文姬归汉》 等数幅作品被中国美术馆收藏。?
Peng Xiancheng (Born 1941)
Born in Chengdu of Sichuan province in 1941, Peng Xiancheng graduated from the Chengdu Second College of Education in 1962. Mainly inspired by classical poetry, Peng is fond of painting Tang Dynasty maidens and horses in the boneless style. He received 浤old Dragon Prize?in Sichuan Chinese Paintings Exhibition in 1988 and 毢ronze Prize?in ?th National Fine Arts Exhibition?the following year. National Arts Museum also collected his works. Peng took part in various Fine Arts exhibitions. He presented solo exhibitions in Chengdu in 1980. He also jointed the "Selected works of Ten Contemporary Chinese Artists" exhibition in Hong Kong in 1993. Later in 1994, he went to the United States for cultural exchange and research. He further participated in 涆wentieth Century Chinese Painting- Tradition and Innovation?by Hong Kong Museum of Art in 1995. He is currently a National First Class painter at the Academy of Sichuan Traditional Chinese Painting Calligraphy and Poetry, a member of the Chinese Artists' Association and an executive member of its Sichun division.